
Rand Enterprises, Inc.


Newport News, VA 23607

Company Info

  • Est. 2004
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Installation of New Addressable Fire Alarm System at Bldg. 679, NUWC

Project Information

Project Location:
Newport, RI
Structure Type:
Misc Project


PWD Newport, NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic

Scope Of Work

The scope of the project includes the provision and installation of a completely new addressable fire alarm system consisting of a new addressable panel with voice evacuation capabilities, battery backup, strobe lights, speaker strobe lights, smoke detectors, elevator recall, duct smoke detectors, relays, monitor modules, pull stations, RF transmitter for signaling the fire dept., and all other necessary components for a complete, usable, and code complying system. Upon the successful testing and approval of the new system, the existing conventional fire alarm system and all of its components shall be removed in their entirety. The existing system is equipped with a main fire alarm panel, a secondary panel, pull stations, horns, bells, horn/strobes, smoke detectors, duct smoke detectors as well as, all of the associated conduit.

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