
Charles Perry Partners, Inc.


Gainesville, FL 32606

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Summer House | Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

Project Information

Project Location:
Gainesville, FL
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

The building allows Kanapaha Botanical Gardens to hold
museum-quality exhibitions, workshops, conferences, and other
forums, all focused on spreading knowledge about the natural
environment. This project entailed a great deal of research to
ensure that all decisions made would minimize any negative
impacts on the environment and on humans. It also entailed
a high level of collaboration between everyone involved.
By reducing construction waste, Summer House illustrates
resource efficiency, thereby preserving ecosystems that would
otherwise be used as landfill space. When selecting materials
for the Summer House, research was conducted to ensure that
the environments the materials came from were not harmed.It
serves as the visitors’ reception building and houses a library,
exhibit hall, meeting room, offices, gift shop, snack shop, kitchen
and social hall.

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