
Charles Perry Partners, Inc.


Gainesville, FL 32606

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Addition and Renovation | Life South Community Blood Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Gainesville, FL
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

This project consisted of the addition of a new administration building and the renovation of an existing structure. The addition houses LifeSouth’s IT Department, which supports their operations in multiple states, the Maintenance department, including warehouse space, and a 2,300 square foot conference space. The renovated building houses Accounting and Human Resources departments for LifeSouth, as well as a large conference space which can hold 200 people. Additional work included interior  renovations in the other two existing buildings in the campus, a new chilled water plant and emergency power for the campus. The campus, which houses over 200 employees and processes blood samples from all of their donation sites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, was operational during the entire project.

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