Company Info

  • Est. 2001
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million
  • DUNS # 033515266

ICS recently added Tammy Bernier as the new Director of Accounting and Accounting Manager.

By: Chip Marshall
November 2019

BALTIMORE, Nov. 25, 2019 -- In keeping with 2019's tremendous growth, Industrial Caulk and Seal has added Tammy Bernier as the new Director of Accounting and Accounting Manager. Ms. Bernier joins ICS with over two decades of construction accounting experience and has joined forces with David Botley, President, in ICS's New England offices.

"I'm very excited for the new opportunity with Industrial Caulk and Seal," states Ms. Bernier. "David and I have worked together in years past and I look forward to the months and years ahead."

Final details of Industrial Caulk and Seal's accounting transition are set to be released in December of 2019, and Tammy Bernier will feature prominently in both the transition and ICS's accounting practices through 2020 and beyond.

About Industrial Caulk & Seal: ICS is a nationally recognized commercial contractor serving the Mid-Atlantic and North East. Founded in 2001, ICS has worked aggressively to set the industry standard in commercial concrete polishing, commercial caulking and semi-rigid joint fillers, commercial flooring and coatings, and comprehensive floor repair and restoration. Please visit for additional information.

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