Company Info

  • Est. 2001
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million
  • DUNS # 033515266

Following an unprecedented first quarter, ICS has added Steve Henderson to its growing team.

By: Chip Marshall
April 2019

In an effort to maintain pace with unprecedented industry and company growth, Industrial Caulk and Seal is proud to welcome Steve Henderson as the newest member of the ICS pre-construction team.

A graduate of West Virginia University, Steve joins the ICS team from the global car rental industry.  With a diverse background in both accounting and customer service, Steve adds a unique set of skills to estimating at Industrial Caulk and Seal and to the entire ICS pre-construction team as a whole.

Steve Henderson can be reached through Industrial Caulk and Seal at 717-456-7015 or directly through

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