Company Info

  • Est. 2001
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million
  • DUNS # 033515266


By: Chip Marshall
February 2019

ICS: Industrial Caulk and Seal Completes Pipefitters Local 537 Headquarters in Boston, Mass.

In partnership with Triad Associates Inc., ICS: Industrial Caulk and Seal completed the new headquarters for the Pipefitters Local 537 last week.

Through an extended partnership with Triad Associates, ICS: Industrial Caulk and Seal completed the Local 537 Headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts. The Pipefitters building called for an extensive polish on a seeded aggregate concrete floor on four levels. Triad Associates worked extensively with the concrete contractor and hand placed dozens of specialty aggregate throughout the concrete finishing process and relied on ICS: Industrial Caulk and Seal to expose that aggregate through the concrete polishing process. This process produced a terrazzo like finish at a fraction of the cost of traditional terrazzo flooring. With the mottled look of terrazzo and the glow and sheen of polished concrete, the Pipefitters Local 537 floor will stand as the benchmark in design-build polished concrete for decades to come.

“Working with partners on a floor of this scale and scope is always a challenge,” states Victor Botley with Industrial Caulk and Seal, “but great floors are usually the product of extensive communication and dedication to the right results.”

The Pipefitters Local 537 Headquarters is one of dozens of specialty design-build projects coming for ICS: Industrial Caulk and Seal in the months ahead. Polished concrete has continued to capture more and more of the finished floor market as an integral part of overall design, and designers, architects, and engineers are working polished concrete into projects on a global scale. The polished concrete industry continues to lead the cutting edge of commercial flooring through innovation in design supported by tooling, machine, and chemical manufacturers alike. The Pipefitters Local 537 building is no exception.

About Industrial Caulk and Seal: ICS is a nationally recognized commercial contractor serving the Mid-Atlantic and North East. Founded in 2001, ICS has worked aggressively to set the industry standard in commercial concrete polishing, commercial caulking and semi-rigid joint fillers, commercial flooring and coatings, and comprehensive floor repair and restoration. Please visit for additional information.

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