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Our Story
Recchia Paving Inc. is a site construction company currently working and located in New Jersey.
Complete excavation, site development, paving, water mains, grading, storm sewers, concrete work, foundations and masonry are just some of the many services we offer at Recchia Paving Inc.
Commercial Experience
Misc Project
Parking Lots
Retail Store
School / College / University
Animal Hospital / Kennel
Arena / Stadium
Assisted Living
Auto Dealership / Service
Church / Synagogue
City / Town Hall
Club House / Community Center
Court House
Design Build
Fire / Police Station
Fitness Center
Gas Station
Hospital / Nursing Home
Hotel / Motel
Industrial Maintenance
Jail / Prison
Manufacturing Plant
Medical Office
Mixed Use
Office Building
Parking Garage
Post Office
Radio / Television Station
Sewage / Water Treatment Plant
Storage Facility / Warehouse
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad
Regions & Counties Serviced
- New Jersey - North
New Jersey All
Our CSI Codes
01 89 13 - Site Preparation Performance Requirements
01 89 16 - Site Improvements Performance Requirements
01 89 19 - Site Plumbing Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 23 - Site HVAC Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 26 - Site Electrical Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 29 - Other Site Construction Performance Requirements
02 32 19 - Exploratory Excavations
02 58 16 - Snow Avalanche Control
03 01 70 - Maintenance of Mass Concrete
03 06 70 - Schedules for Mass Concrete
03 11 13.13 - Concrete Slip Forming
03 35 23 - Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finishing
03 35 26 - Grooved Concrete Surface Finishing
03 70 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete
03 71 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Raft Foundations
03 72 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Dams
06 01 80.51 - Composite Cleaning
06 01 80.91 - Composite Restoration
31 01 10 - Maintenance of Clearing
31 01 20 - Maintenance of Earth Moving
31 01 50 - Maintenance of Excavation Support and Protection
31 06 10 - Schedules for Clearing
31 06 20 - Schedules for Earth Moving
31 06 20.13 - Trench Dimension Schedule
31 10 00.00.01 - Site Clearing
31 11 00.00.01 - Clearing and Grubbing
31 12 00.00.01 - Selective Clearing
31 14 13 - Soil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 13.13 - Soil Stripping
31 14 13.16 - Soil Stockpiling
31 14 13.23 - Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16 - Sod Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16.13 - Sod Stripping
31 14 16.16 - Sod Stockpiling
31 20 00.00.01 - Earth Moving
31 22 13 - Rough Grading
31 22 16 - Fine Grading
31 22 19 - Finish Grading
31 22 19.13 - Spreading and Grading Topsoil
31 23 13 - Subgrade Preparation
31 23 16 - Excavation
31 23 16.13 - Trenching
31 23 16.16 - Structural Excavation for Minor Structures
31 23 16.26 - Rock Removal
31 23 33 - Trenching and Backfilling
31 30 00.00.01 - Earthwork Methods
31 53 13 - Timber Cribwork
32 01 17.62 - Stress-Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
32 01 23 - Base Course Reconditioning
32 01 26 - Rigid Paving Rehabilitation
32 01 26.74 - Concrete Overlays
32 01 29 - Rigid Paving Repair
32 01 29.62 - Concrete Paving Raising
32 01 30 - Operation and Maintenance of Site Improvements
32 06 10 - Schedules for Bases, Ballasts, and Paving
32 06 10.13 - Pedestrian Walkway Schedule
32 06 30 - Schedules for Site Improvements
32 06 30.13 - Retaining Wall Schedule
32 11 13 - Subgrade Modifications
32 11 13.13 - Lime-Treated Subgrades
32 11 13.16 - Bituminous-Treated Subgrades
32 12 13.23 - Asphaltic Prime Coats
32 12 16.13 - Plant-Mix Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.16 - Road-Mix Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.19 - Cold-Mix Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.23 - Reinforced Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.26 - Fiber-Modified Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.29 - Polymer-Modified Asphalt Paving
32 12 16.33 - Granulated Rubber-Modified Asphalt Paving
32 13 13 - Concrete Paving
32 13 13.13 - Exposed Aggregate Concrete Paving
32 13 13.16 - Power-Compacted Concrete Paving
32 13 13.19 - Prestressed Concrete Paving
32 13 16.13 - Patterned Concrete Paving
32 13 16.16 - Roller-Compacted Concrete Paving
32 13 16.19 - Imprinted Concrete Paving
32 13 16.23 - Stamped Concrete Paving
32 16 13.13 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs and Gutters
32 16 13.16 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs
32 16 13.19 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Gutters
32 30 00.00.01 - Site Improvements
32 32 13 - Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 16 - Precast Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 19 - Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 23 - Segmental Retaining Walls
32 32 23.13 - Segmental Concrete Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 26 - Metal Crib Retaining Walls
32 32 29 - Timber Retaining Walls
32 32 36 - Gabion Retaining Walls
32 32 43 - Soldier-Beam Retaining Walls
32 71 00.00.01 - Constructed Wetlands
32 72 00.00.01 - Wetlands Restoration
33 47 16.13 - Pond Covers
33 47 16.53 - Reservoir Covers
33 47 19.13 - Water Distribution Ponds
33 47 19.16 - Water Retainage Reservoirs
33 47 19.23 - Cooling Water Ponds
33 47 19.33 - Fire-Protection Water Ponds
33 47 23 - Sanitary Sewerage Lagoons
33 47 26 - Storm Drainage Ponds and Reservoirs
33 47 26.13 - Stabilization Ponds
33 47 26.16 - Retention Basins
33 47 26.19 - Leaching Pits
34 01 33 - Operation and Maintenance of Airfields
34 05 33 - Common Work Results for Airports
34 06 33 - Schedules for Airfields
35 31 16.16 - Segmental Seawalls
35 41 16 - Levee Cutoff Trenches
35 42 53.16 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.19 - Segmental Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.40 - Stone Wall Bank Protection
35 43 53 - Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.13 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.16 - Segmental Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.40 - Stone Wall Scour Protection
35 73 13 - Earth Embankment Dam