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Our Story
Our main lines of business include: Foundation Contractors--Concrete & Block.
Dig & Pour Foundation Division LLC has been listed in the Blue Book since 2022.
What We Do
Regions & Counties Serviced
- New England
Massachusetts 1
- Worcester
Our CSI Codes
03 01 20 - Maintenance of Concrete Reinforcing
03 01 30 - Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 01 70 - Maintenance of Mass Concrete
03 06 20 - Schedules for Concrete Reinforcing
03 06 20.13 - Concrete Beam Reinforcing Schedule
03 06 20.16 - Concrete Slab Reinforcing Schedule
03 06 30 - Schedules for Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 06 30.13 - Concrete Footing Schedule
03 06 30.16 - Concrete Column Schedule
03 06 30.19 - Concrete Slab Schedule
03 06 30.26 - Concrete Beam Schedule
03 06 70 - Schedules for Mass Concrete
03 11 13.13 - Concrete Slip Forming
03 30 53 - Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 31 13 - Heavyweight Structural Concrete
03 31 23 - High-Performance Structural Concrete
03 35 23 - Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finishing
03 35 26 - Grooved Concrete Surface Finishing
03 70 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete
03 71 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Raft Foundations
03 72 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Dams
06 01 80.51 - Composite Cleaning
06 01 80.91 - Composite Restoration
09 96 56 - Epoxy Coatings
09 97 26 - Cementitious Coatings
09 97 26.23 - Exterior Cementitious Coatings
22 14 26 - Facility Storm Drains
22 14 26.13 - Roof Drains
22 14 26.16 - Facility Area Drains
22 14 26.19 - Facility Trench Drains
31 01 10 - Maintenance of Clearing
31 01 20 - Maintenance of Earth Moving
31 01 40 - Maintenance of Shoring and Underpinning
31 01 50 - Maintenance of Excavation Support and Protection
31 06 10 - Schedules for Clearing
31 06 20 - Schedules for Earth Moving
31 06 40 - Schedules for Shoring and Underpinning
31 11 00.00.01 - Clearing and Grubbing
31 12 00.00.01 - Selective Clearing
31 14 13 - Soil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 13.13 - Soil Stripping
31 14 13.16 - Soil Stockpiling
31 14 16 - Sod Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16.13 - Sod Stripping
31 14 16.16 - Sod Stockpiling
31 20 00.00.01 - Earth Moving
31 22 13 - Rough Grading
31 22 16 - Fine Grading
31 22 19 - Finish Grading
31 22 19.13 - Spreading and Grading Topsoil
31 23 16 - Excavation
31 23 16.13 - Trenching
31 23 16.16 - Structural Excavation for Minor Structures
31 23 16.26 - Rock Removal
31 23 33 - Trenching and Backfilling
31 40 00.00.01 - Shoring and Underpinning
31 48 13 - Underpinning Piers
31 48 33 - Micropile Underpinning
31 53 13 - Timber Cribwork
31 56 26 - Bio-Polymer Trench Drain
32 06 30.13 - Retaining Wall Schedule
32 16 13.13 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs and Gutters
32 16 13.16 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs
32 16 13.19 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Gutters
32 32 13 - Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 16 - Precast Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 19 - Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 23 - Segmental Retaining Walls
32 32 23.13 - Segmental Concrete Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 26 - Metal Crib Retaining Walls
32 32 29 - Timber Retaining Walls
32 32 36 - Gabion Retaining Walls
32 32 43 - Soldier-Beam Retaining Walls
33 44 13 - Utility Area Drains
33 44 16 - Utility Trench Drains
35 01 70 - Operation and Maintenance of Dams
35 05 70 - Common Work Results for Dams
35 06 70 - Schedules for Dams
35 31 16.16 - Segmental Seawalls
35 41 16 - Levee Cutoff Trenches
35 42 53.16 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.19 - Segmental Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.40 - Stone Wall Bank Protection
35 43 53 - Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.13 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.16 - Segmental Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.40 - Stone Wall Scour Protection
35 49 13 - Floodwalls
35 49 13.13 - Concrete Floodwalls
35 70 00.00.01 - Dam Construction and Equipment
35 71 13 - Concrete Gravity Dams
35 71 16 - Masonry Gravity Dams
35 72 13 - Concrete Arch Dams
35 74 13 - Concrete Buttress Dams