Hughes Design & Construction, Inc.

Hot Springs, AR 71903

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Our Story

Building a reputation for excellence, the Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. team differentiates itself with an efficient and effective Design/Build approach. Unlike the standard approach of hiring the architect separately from the contractor, our system allows us to work closely with our clients from conception all the way to completion. This promotes a seamless project manifestation with a high degree of communication and coordination. Our method allows for constant fine tuning as the architecture and construction unfolds with no interruption of schedule.

Operating extensively in central Arkansas, Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. limits its building area and number of projects to ensure superior quality and design integrity. Being committed to design excellence, Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. gives its clients the option to make tweak decisions throughout the process. Because Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. works on flat fee contracts, there are no change orders as design changes occur.

Construction projects can be complicated and stressful. It is our hope that every customer enjoys every phase of the construction process and shares in our excitement from the ground up.

We feel privileged and thankful that you would consider Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. as your Architect and builder. Earning your trust through personal attention and commitment is the foundation of Hughes Design and Construction, Inc., Known for honesty, integrity, and quality Hughes Design and Construction, Inc. has built a reputation as a successful commercial and residential design/build firm. From concept to completion, we are with you all the way.
Call us for a free consultation today.

What We Do

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • Arkansas

Arkansas All

Project Experience

  • Non-Union
  • Public
  • Private
  • New Projects
  • Alterations/Renovations
  • Interior Fit-Ups
  • Service Work/Repairs


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