
Computerized Estimating Services, Inc.


Grand Saline, TX 75140


Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • DUNS # 012190125

Why should I use an Estimating Firm?

By: Daniel Blanchard
March 2024

Accuracy: Estimating firms specialize in providing accurate cost estimates, leveraging their experience and industry knowledge. This accuracy is crucial for budgeting and securing financing, as well as for avoiding cost overruns.

Time-Saving: Estimating the cost of construction projects can be time-consuming, especially for complex projects. An estimating firm can save you time by handling this task, allowing you to focus on other aspects of the project.

Expertise & Experience: Estimating firms bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your project. They stay updated on market trends, materials cost, labor rates, and the impact of local regulations on costs. This expertise can help in making informed decisions and avoiding expensive mistakes.

Risk Management: By providing accurate cost estimates and identifying potential financial risks early in the project, estimating firms help in managing and mitigating risks associate with cost overruns and project delays.

Resource Optimization: With a detailed estimate, you can better allocate resources, ensuring that funds are used efficiently throughout the project. This can lead to cost savings and a more streamlined project execution.

Completive Bidding: For projects that require bidding, an accurate estimate can give you a competitive edge. It ensures that your bid is competitive yet profitable, increasing your chances of winning the project without sacrificing your margins.

Professional Reporting: Estimating firms provide detailed reports that can be used for internal planning, securing loans and communicating with stakeholders. These reports often include breakdowns of unit costs, offering transparency and accountability.

Technology: Many estimating firms use advanced software and technology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their estimates. This technology can include databases of historical cost data, 3D modeling, and integration with project management tools.

In summary, employing an estimating firm can provide a more accurate, efficient, and cost-effective approach to budgeting and planning your construction project. It not only helps in reducing the risks of cost overruns but also in optimizing project resources and enhancing the chances of project success.

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