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5 Factors to Consider when Selecting A VoIP Service Provider

By: Lois C. Cook
February 2018

5 Factors to Consider when Selecting a VoIP Service Provider

February 6, 2018/0 Comments/in Business, VOIP /by Lois Cook+

Social hub websites tend to offer the best proving grounds for new technology. VoIP service is no different. Many people have used this technology without even realizing what it is. Below are five considerations you should make before finalizing your selection of a VoIP service.

What is VoIP?

Many people ask what is VoIP without realizing they have already utilized the technology many times making a call through Skype, Facetime, or any number of free Internet calling programs. Technically it stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. In simple terms, it turns your phone call into a digital format that can travel the Internet.

How costly is it to buy VoIP?

The exact cost when you buy VoIP depends on how much control you want to exercise with your communication capabilities and features. Small businesses can buy VoIP for a reasonable price that can drastically reduce the cost of calls. Call centers might have to pay a little more to have additional hardware onsite, but can still save a great amount of money if properly configured. After the initial expense and setup costs, the cost of the calls is dramatically less than digital calling plans with traditional voice carriers. Do not be afraid to check around and get rate quotes.

Will I need to upgrade Internet services?

The quality of your calls will entirely depend on your available Internet bandwidth. You will only need to upgrade your Internet service if you plan on a high volume of calls. Light to moderate calling activity for a small business can typically work successfully by with your existing business Internet connection. You may have to discuss options like adding an Internet circuit exclusive to your voice traffic if you need to make and take a high volume of calls.

Making Room for Business Expansion

The SIP trunking version of VoIP may be a more desirable service to have when there are plans for business expansion. It can provide you the opportunity to more easily expand your calling services as needed. Most PBX programs are compatible with SIP, or a simple gateway is added to convert the signals. Mae certain your VoIP service provider understands your business expansion needs from the start.

Switching from ISDN

ISDN is an Integrated Services Network Provider which allows digital data and signal transfer over ordinary telephone lines. Making the migration from this system to VoIP will require you to understand your system requirements. You will need assistance in creating a full migration plan and porting capability. It might take little extra work, but you will enjoy the savings in the long run.

Hosted and Onsite VoIP

Your Private Branch Exchange or PBX system can be hosted online or maintained onsite at your business. Having the service hosted clears up your time from managing the equipment, learning how to adjust settings and all other hardware related tasks. Onsite PBX management can give you better service if you have issues with your Internet service. Many prefer the least amount of hassles with cloud technology.

How do I get VoIP service?

The easiest way to get VoIP service is to ask your current phone equipment provider if they offer business plans for VoIP calling. You might score the service at a discount rate for being an existing customer. Your next step will likely take you to an online search to get a VoIP service in your area. Take time and explore all of the possibilities and pricing. We recommend finding a local company to help you and set up your VoIP service if you have any uncertainty about it at all. There are lots of national companies that will sign you to a contract and then be less than helpful with implementation once the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed. There’s not a lot more frustrating than foreign tech support when you are confused and need assistance.

Contact us at America’s Phone Guys and find out more about the how to get started with VoIP service for your business today!

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