P.J. Hoerr, Inc.


Normal, IL 61761

Company Info

  • Est. 1914
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Black Band Distillery

Project Information

Project Location:
Peoria, IL
Structure Type:
Manufacturing Plant

Scope Of Work

P.J. Hoerr  was proud to provide construction for Black Band Distillery at 1000 SW Adams St. in Peoria, IL. This 100-year old, 2-story building in the warehouse district was a complete renovation. The exterior front façade was restored to include new windows, a new entry, and minor masonry repairs.  A new exterior multi-tier patio is made intimate with the use of a shou sugi ban wood garden wall, harkening to the technique of charring whiskey barrels. The interior of the building was a complete renovation including all new MEPF systems, kitchen, and bar while maintaining all the original wood and masonry. A portion of the building had existing flooring and some joist removed to house the new distillery equipment.

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