
Gilmore Construction Corp.


Denver, CO 80239

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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NREL - NWTC Office Renovation

Project Information

Project Location:
Golden, CO
Completed - Apr 2016
Structure Type:
Office Building


National Wind Technology Center

Scope Of Work

The National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) is part of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Golden, Colo., campus. The center’s office area needed refreshing — but employees and operations in the 19,000-square-foot space could not be relocated during the process.

So, Gilmore Construction worked with NREL officials to complete this project in five phases. Gilmore repaired existing walls, applied new paint, replaced damaged ceiling tiles and installed new carpeting and flooring throughout. As Gilmore’s workers completed the job efficiently and smoothly, they also protected existing, modular cubicle systems; furniture; and the office’s administrative and engineering operations.
Significant scope additions to this project included kitchen/break-room upgrades, replacement of all the ceiling tiles throughout, asbestos abatement, additional drywall work and restroom upgrades.

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