
Gilmore Construction Corp.


Denver, CO 80239

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Denver Federal Center - Building 95, F&G Wing

Project Information

Project Location:
Lakewood, CO
Completed - May 2016
Structure Type:
Golf Course


Denver Federal Center

Scope Of Work

Gilmore has proudly served as a long-term contractor for the General Services Administration, providing construction services for the Denver Federal Center.

Gilmore has tackled for the DFC campus two distinct and phased projects in facilities that are fully occupied and operational.

The first, located in the campus’ Building 20, was the 25,000-square-foot office renovation of the U.S. Geological Service’s accounting department. We completed this project with no increased cost to the federal government by providing value-add engineering services during construction to compensate for changes in site conditions. This resulted in no change-orders to the client.

The second project, completed in March 2016, was the renovation of an environmentally sensitive laboratory facility.

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