
DeMaria Building Co.


Novi, MI 48374

Company Info

  • Est. 1969
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Spain School for Performing Arts

Project Information

Project Location:
Detroit, MI
Structure Type:
School / College / University

Scope Of Work

DeMaria was hired by Detroit Public Schools to build an impressive, 620-seat stage and auditorium, dance studio and band room addition for the Spain School for Performing Arts. The Middle School, whose reputation for excellence extends nationally- particularly with respect to its marching band- has been enjoying its new, first-rate, performing arts facility since June 2001. DeMaria combined masonry and steel to achieve a sturdy yet surprisingly attractive exterior. A radius of glass panels adds interest to the rear of the building, and specialty acoustical and lighting treatments were used throughout the interior. The most challenging part of the project was building an addition that was bordered by an existing, occupied structure on all three sides.  The team had one way to build this job, and it required DeMaria to be very careful, as well as mindful of the student’s safety at all times.

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