
Phoenix, AZ 85032

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  • Est. 1937
  • Size 500+ Employees
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Bastian and Mitchell Hangar

Project Information

Project Location:
New Orleans, LA
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

The Bastian and Mitchell Hanger project, built for the Non-Flood Protection Asset Management Authority, included the new construction of 42,000 square foot aviation hangars located in New Orleans, LA. The facility houses two hangers destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and supports an office building and transportation center. The aviation hangers were constructed utilizing reinforced steel pile caps, grade beams, floor slabs, and concrete. The project also features upgraded utility systems for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning as well as lighting and electrical power distributions. Fire alarms, security, access control, and data/telecommunications systems completed the construction. Fire protection strategies incorporated wet pipes, foam fire suppression, fire water pumps powered by two diesel engines, and two 40,000-gallon storage tanks to compensate for an insufficient municipal water supply to the hangers. Due to CORE's rebuilding and restoration efforts, the Bastian and Mitchell Hanger project effectively reestablished aviation operations to the Lakefront Airport.

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