
Tyler Lane Constr., Inc.


Des Plaines, IL 60018

Company Info

  • Est. 1992
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Hammond Water Treatment Plant

Project Information

Project Location:
Chicago, IL
Structure Type:
Sewage / Water Treatment Plant


City of Hammond Indiana

Scope Of Work

The Hammond Water Treatment plant was built in the 1930’s to serve Hammond, North Chicago and the surrounding areas. The entire building envelope was severely deteriorated by weather, age and close proximity to Lake Michigan.

There was an extended period of time between project scope identification and the project being issued for bid and awarded. During that time, the magnitude of the project grew significantly, but Tyler Lane Construction delivered all of the needed repairs at no additional cost and in only 27 extra days.

Our team spent a great deal of time reusing existing bricks to blend with the new to restore the building to the way it once looked. We coordinated our work with that of the plant, which was fully functioning during the entire construction process. Tyler Lane opened bowed walls, removed and replaced all steel lintels, demolished and rebuilt all severely deteriorated parapet walls, ground and tuck-pointed all exterior walls, replaced all exterior windows, removed and replaced the entire roof system, and repaired the damaged concrete roof deck, beams, columns and basins. Steel support brackets were fabricated and installed in key locations of stress.

During the restoration process, our crews worked in hazardous conditions over fully operational filter tanks, incurring no accidents. Because the work was federally funded, an OSHA inspection was required. The inspector said it was one of the most safely run projects he had ever visited.

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