
F.H. Paschen


Chicago, IL 60656

Company Info

  • Est. 1975
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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18th Street Bascule Bridge Rehab

Project Information

Project Location:
Chicago, IL
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:


Illinois Department of Transportation

Scope Of Work

The 47-year-old movable bascule bridge, which was built in 1967, was restored with new roadway and sidewalk decks. Repairs were made to the truss, floor beams and lateral bracing and the electrical and navigational lighting were upgraded. Due to the TJ O’Brien lock closures for construction on the Calumet River (another project, unrelated to FHP), the US Coast Guard restricted barge usage at the 18th St. Bridge. We proposed a practical and safe solution which consisted of a contract modification to install a suspended platform system to work from in order to minimize the impact to the schedule. The project contained a critical milestone to ensure the bridge would be operational by April 1st so the movable spans could be lifted to accommodate sail boats re-entering the city’s harbors for the boating season. Paschen and subcontractors completed the milestone two days early, satisfying the client. This project was part of Building a New Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s infrastructure renewal program.

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