
International Towers, Inc.


Tucson, AZ 85705-5308

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Naval Surface Warfare Center – 29 Palms Marine Training Base Project

Project Information

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Scope Of Work

From a notional design created by Naval Surface Warfare Center – Corona Division, the project and scope of work was to install five new helicopter-access only, mountain-top, tower structures with solar powered systems all within an initial 120-day period of performance.
Due to active and on-going training commitments our original proposed construction and flight schedule was not viable. ITL worked with Bearmat Operations on new means and methods and ended up deploying the necessary equipment to all mountain tops such that on the eve of every day, ITL met with Bearmat and base operations to determine which mountain tops ITL could fly to the next day.
This everyday last-minute direction put ITL in the position of real-time planning for the work scope to be performed, logistical planning of crews, staging, determining the pick sequence necessary for fluid, and effective operations, safe, and effective rigging of materials for the helicopter picks that would need to occur, while also minimizing the cost of the helicopter skycranes needed for this activity.
ITL achieved delivery within the contractual period of performance, which was truly a remarkable accomplishment.

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