
Revive Construction Group


Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Company Info

  • Annual Vol $3 million - $6 million

Featured Project Return to Projects List

531 Vester

Project Information

Project Location:
Ferndale, MI
Structure Type:
Residential Building

Scope Of Work

In 2014, Maynard Construction Services was originally brought in to perform selective demolition on the interior of this building removing all interior walls, remove an interior roof structure and remove an unwanted cosmetic mansard roof detail.  Since we completed our initial task, we have been tasked with performing regular building maintenance and flood mediation duties from the Oakland County flood in late 2014.  We are currently working with the Facilities Manager and the Ownership Team to come up with a plan on how to transform this 10,000 square foot building into a modern office solution - anticipated to begin construction in 4th quarter 2017.

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