Alpha Wrecking

Pompano Beach, FL 33069

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A Ritz Carlton Residence Phases 2 - 3

Project Information

Project Location:
Miami, FL
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jul 2016
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums


Lionheart Capital
General Contractor:
Plaza Construction
Dana Nichols - General Superintendent Plaza Construction

Scope Of Work

Selective structural demolition of a converted 850,000 GSF former hospital campus

Completed "top to bottom" demolition method of 2 separate 10 story heavily reinforced concrete structures with ceiling heights of up to 16' by means of mini excavators and skid steers with hydraulic breakers

Wire sawing and removal of existing pile caps at dimensions of 20' wide x 5' thick 

Cutting and removal of structural members at weights of up to 90,000 lbs via either tower crane, 275 ton crawler, or 800 ton hydraulic truck cranes up to at radius of up to 300' away. Over 4,000 picks were completed with ZERO incidents

This project was rated as OSHA'S 5th most potentially dangerous project in the United States and ALPHA is proud to say it was completed with no lost time incidents.

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