
Life Deck Coating Installations

San Diego, CA 92102


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  • Est. 1981

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Grand Hyatt on the Waterfront

Project Information

Project Location:
San Diego, CA
Completed - Dec 2017
Structure Type:
Hotel / Motel


Life Deck
Grand Hyatt

Scope Of Work

Hotel maintenance is a year-round responsibility, especially here in sunny San Diego! The Grand Hyatt is a 33-story landmark on our waterfront boasting full spa resort amenities which means the grounds need to look great at all times. Over the past 15 years, we have worked with the hotel management to keep the pool decks looking great year after year.

Creating a Unique Design

Between the two towers sits the main pool where visitors can bask in the sun and enjoy the full San Diego skyline. Last year we did work around the main pool deck and spa but this time we were called back to resurface the mandala design, which is the focal point of the area.

At 2,700 square feet, the circular design was first mocked up as a small-scale sample where we could easily display the outcome to the hotel decision makers. The crew had a tight schedule of 10 days which included clean up at the end of each day. Since the pool needed to remain open our crews worked hard to keep grinding and dust to a minimum and leave no mess behind each and every day.

The area was first prepped by (dustless) grinding before we applied primer to ensure proper adhesion of the coating system. Three slurry coats were applied in the preparation of the integrally colored red and off-white cement overlay was laid down. Copper and sierra water-based stains were sprayed on according to the design chosen by the hotel. Finally, it was sealed in with a water-based polyurethane sealer. Each color phase required the opposite areas needing to be carefully taped and masked to prevent color in the wrong areas.

The hotel was happy with the outcome once again and we are looking to working with them on more coating projects in the future.

Looking to do something similar?

Have a hotel in need of pool deck improvements?  Contact us today, we bring concrete to life!

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