
Kenseal Construction Products Corp.

Baltimore, MD 21230

Company Info

  • Est. 1977
  • Size 100-249 Employees

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Baltimore's Washinton Monument

Project Information

Project Location:
Baltimore, MD
Structure Type:
Historic Preservation


General Contractor:

Scope Of Work

On July 4, 1815, Baltimoreans envisioned and commenced the first public monument to George Washington, former President of the United States. This National Historic Landmark, an important symbol of the city, now appears every bit of its age of nearly 200 years with plaster chips and deteriorating mortar.  In 2010, the once leading Baltimore tourist attraction was closed to the public after an engineering study commissioned by the Mount Vernon Place Conservancy declared the monument unsafe for visitors.

Located at the center of one of the most beautiful urban spaces in America, this treasure is currently undergoing a multimillion dollar restoration to redeem its prominence in Baltimore tourism.

Kenseal Construction Products is proud to support aspects of these repairs. Jason Lewis, Kenseal sales representative took the lead on this project supplying Sikacrete 211 SCC Plus to Worcester Eisenbrandt, Inc., a historic building restoration contractor working on the project. The Monument is located in our Headquarters and Baltimore location’s backyard and will boost our neighborhood’s vitality by reopening a place that people care about and want to visit. We are honored to supply a specialty construction product to help make this happen.

The work including restoration, repainting, cleaning, waterproofing, electrical work, new lighting and a new fence is scheduled for completion in time for the monument’s bicentennial on Independence Day in 2015.

Kenseal Construction Products distributes quality innovative product lines to the waterproofing, sealant, glazing and concrete/masonry restoration markets. Founded in 1977, Kenseal has become one of  the largest specialty construction product distributors in the country. Kenseal has 14 stocking locations located along the East Coast to ensure rapid order fulfillment. Our sales team is thoroughly trained to find solutions to the most challenging construction challenges.  For more information call 888-KENSEAL or kenseal.com

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