Danilo's Tree Service & Landscaping

Marietta, GA 30064

Company Info

  • Est. 1999
  • Annual Vol Not Provided
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  • 888-720-1710

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Our Story

Welcome to Danilo's Professional Tree Service & Landscaping.  At Danilo's Tree Care we provide quality tree pruning which is essential for urban trees. We also do removals, stump grinding, feeding, aerating as well as transplanting. Because restorative and view pruning can increase the value of property, we also offer customized maintenance plans for tree care, and hedge maintenance.

We also provide our customers a full line of landscaping services, landscape maintenance, as well as helpful suggestions that minimize both aftercare and costly future expenses. We are a local family owned and operated business. We pride ourselves on our honest, and excellent tree & landscape care. Our customers consist of many repeat clients, and customer referrals. Please join our faithful customers.

For a free estimate, you can call or email us; you will most always reach a person, and can expect a quick response on your estimate, and any scheduled work.

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