
Brannan Construction Company

Denver, CO 80229

Company Info

  • Est. 1906
  • Size 100-249 Employees

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I-25 & Arapahoe Road

Project Information

Project Location:
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Road / Highway

Scope Of Work

This $51M project consisted of widening I-25 and Arapahoe Road at the interchange utilizing full-depth asphalt pavement with SMA overlay to add capacity to the through lanes on the interstate and turning movements to Arapahoe Road. 75,000 tons of S100 mix plus an additional 22,000 tons of ½” SMA were placed. The use of full-depth asphalt and echelon paving allowed for expedited construction of phased traffic switches. The project utilized many full closures on the weekends to facilitate paving and minimize impact to commuters. The paving portion of the project was originally scheduled to be complete in July 2018, instead, the paving was completed on October 26, 2017, a full eight months ahead of schedule. Brannan Sand & Gravel is very proud to have been a part of this project along with CDOT Region 1 and Kraemer North America.

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