
Brannan Construction Company

Denver, CO 80229

Company Info

  • Est. 1906
  • Size 100-249 Employees

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Amazon Parking Lot

Project Information

Project Location:
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Parking Lots

Scope Of Work

This award is well deserved and speaks to the commitment to quality from Brannan Sand & Gravel Co. and the excellence in partnering from Fiore and RC Anderson.” stated Tom Peterson, Executive Director, Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association. The focus of this $4.6M project was to construct the parking lot and associated street improvements for Amazon’s second warehouse facility in the Denver Metro area. Total contract time was one year, but the client’s expedited delivery date was achieved in just six and a half months, encompassing placement of over 64,000 tons of asphalt and five different mix designs, all assigned for different phases of the project. There were on average 950 construction employees on-site each day, creating a project phasing nightmare to maintain parking while paving. The judge’s scored perfect 10’s in all categories and noted it was one of the best projects they had ever seen as judges for the awards program.

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