
Manhattan Land Surveying & Engineering, D.P.C.


New York, NY 10018

Company Info

  • Est. 1988

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Woolworth Tower Residences

Project Information

Project Location:
New York, NY
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums

Scope Of Work

The Woolworth Building is a 60-story skyscraper located on Broadway, built in 1913 which held the record of being the tallest structure in the world until 1930. After a recent transfer of ownership developers launched a plan to turn the top 30 floors of the building tower into luxury condominium apartments. Manhattan Land Surveying & Engineering established axis lines on the lower floors and transferred them up onto floors 29 through 53, as well as in the cellar and sub-cellar. The field crews also provided control lines for the new elevators being installed for the residential part of the tower.

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