
Brubacher Excavating, Inc.

Bowmansville, PA 17507

Company Info

  • Est. 1978
  • Annual Vol Not Provided

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Bowmansville Service Plaza

Project Information

Project Location:
Bowmansville, PA
Structure Type:
Retail Store


General Contractor:

Scope Of Work

After being selected by High Construction to work on the new Bowmansville Service Plaza, we were excited at the prospect of working on a project so close to our office. Our proximity to the site would work to our advantage, but this project wasn't without its challenges.

We were contracted to demolish the old building and excavate for the new Bowmansville Service Plaza at mile marker 289.9 on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. We demolished the original service plaza building which was of bomb-shelter-like construction. Over 50,000 cubic yards of fill was imported for 33 foot deep fills. Retaining wall construction, utility installation, curb and asphalt were placed in quick succession.

An aggressive schedule designed to minimize the number of lost revenue days for the service plaza was threatened by unusual amounts of autumn rainfall. The dedicated Brubacher team worked extra days and in less than ideal conditions to meet the challenge.

This project was awarded the ABC Excellence Award for Site Construction

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