
Frank J. Ryan & Sons, Inc.

Troy, NY 12180

Company Info

  • Est. 1952
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Colonie Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

Colonie Center is one of the Capital District’s premier malls. During the last major renovation we rebranded more than a dozen stores and were the painting prime, or subcontractor for the anchor chains of LL Bean and Barnes & Noble. This work required multiple crews on different projects with several shifts utilized for schedule flexibility. As a business we understand that you want your business up and running. Our goal is to complete your project as you want it, when you need it, and move to the next one until you call us back for your next one.

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