
Kiesland Development Services


Cincinnati, OH 45241

Company Info

  • Est. 1981
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Project Information

Project Location:
Hamilton, OH
Completed - Dec 2020
Structure Type:
Mixed Use
Services Rendered:
Carpentry Contractors:
Pre-Construction Services
Construction Management
General Contracting
Industrial Buildings
Metal Framing
Exterior Demolition


General Contractor:
Kiesland Development Services

Scope Of Work

The overall design combines Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style and European wood construction by featuring beautiful exposed wood panels, beams and columns with a low slope roof, overhanging eaves, and long horizontal lines which accentuate the contours of the site. The design integrates form and function. The building uses heavy "V" patterned Glulam columns supported on an exterior finished concrete wall. Walls and roof systems are made from CLT panels which are supported using 80 foot Glulam beams. To further emphasize the wood, natural light floods the interior with two full hight glass walls and band windows on the east and west of the Showroom. The centerpiece in the Showroom is a full length skylight with a perforated steel "Reflector" panel to wash the natural light across the CLT ceilings. The selection of sleek LED light fixtures complete the ensemble, providing a healthy working environment and highlights the equipment on display.  Prospective customers will be brought in through the Training Center, and follow a long, narrow corridor to the Showroom where they are greeted by a 25' tall atrium and wood monumental stairs, accessorized with stainless steel handrails. The building has four main uses. Training/education areas for customers, potential customers and in-house personnel, technical interactive area to brainstorm and work with customers on new ideas and problem-solving, and support office area with a large working showroom/manufacturing area.

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