
Bread Loaf Corp.


Middlebury, VT 05753

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Vergennes Police Station

Project Information

Project Location:
Vergennes, VT
Structure Type:
Fire / Police Station

Scope Of Work

Bread Loaf provided planning, design and construction services for the new Police Station in Vergennes, Vermont. The former police department space which was located in the basement of the City Hall was hampered by outdated facilities. Program needs included: officer workspaces; evidence storage; processing areas and storage space for departmental equipment; facilities for interviewing victims and suspects to ensure confidentiality; locker space for officer’s street-clothes and gear; parking and sallyport.

Bread Loaf worked with town officials and the police chief to create a design that addressed the needs of a modern public safety facility. The program needs were balanced with project costs to lead to a successful bond vote. Through a collaborative and creative design process the building footprint was reduced by 1,330 square feet by rethinking the evidence processing sequence, combining detective and sergeant offices into a common officer workspace and reduction of interior corridors and common areas.

Construction was completed within a duration of seven months.

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