
Bread Loaf Corp.


Middlebury, VT 05753

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Killington Grand Resort Hotel

Project Information

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Scope Of Work

Faced with an outdated restaurant and bar at the Grand Resort Hotel, Killington challenged Bread Loaf to create a “great bar and place that guests will want to stay and eat as well.” The newly renovated space serves as a hub of activity for hotel guests and an après ski destination for visitors to Killington.

In collaboration with Killington’s Interior Designer, an edgy, rustic feel was created with interior finishes that include reclaimed barn board, stone, glass, slate flooring and new lighting. An exterior wall was removed and replaced with floor to ceiling glass to provide views of Killington and Skye Peaks. The new design opens the bar to the main lobby of the hotel and improves functionality and comfort of both guests and staff.

Construction started in September and was completed for re-opening prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

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