
Calvert Masonry, Inc.

Manassas, VA 20109

Company Info

  • Est. 1993
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol $20 million - $50 million

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800 K Street

Project Information

Project Location:
Washington, DC
In-Progress - Jan 2019
Structure Type:
Mixed Use


The Meridian Group
Hickok Cole Architects
General Contractor:
Clark Construction

Scope Of Work

The Meridian Group has awarded Clark a $70 million contract for the 800 K Street Renovation in Washington, DC. Hickok Cole Architects is the project architect.

Clark will perform extensive renovations to the 800 K Street office buildings, which are comprised of a north and south building totaling 450,000 square feet. The project team will execute structural reconfigurations to portions of the north building’s frame, and replace its façade. The team also will install new mechanical and electrical systems, renovate the main lobby, and add amenity spaces on the third and ninth floors of the north building. In the south building, the project team will perform a partial interior and skin demolition, as well as fit out three floors of office space.

The project is designed to achieve LEED® Gold Certification.

Substantial completion is slated for early 2019.

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