
Int'l Flooring & Protective Coatings

Norfolk, VA 23502

Company Info

  • Est. 1993
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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USS Gerald R. Ford - Shot Blasting

Project Information

Project Location:
Newport News, VA
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

Leading a new class of aircraft carrier, the Ford bears the label of a "supercarrier" and has quite a few design advantages for increased efficiency and better operations. Several sections of the flight deck have been altered from the layout of the Nimitz-class flight deck to improve aircraft handling, storage, and flow. Under contract with Huntington Ingalls Industries, IFPC Marine is preparing and installing the exterior decking on the ship's vast flight deck and hangar bay, as well as the interior decking. Using blast and recovery system (BRS) Vacuum Shot Blasting, technical specialists are preparing the surfaces for the critical decking necessary for the extreme conditions of flight take-offs and returns, as well as sea and weather forces. IFPC Marine staff skillfully use BRS, mindful of the environment, as these systems blast and collect spent abrasive, contaminants, and dust at the same time. The blast machinery varies in size from handheld/pneumatic devices to 7'x6' centrifugal equipment that can blast up to a 20" pattern.

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