
KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group

Cincinnati, OH 45241

Company Info

  • Est. 1970
  • Size 250-499 Employees

Featured Project Return to Projects List

White Castle

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Grocery Stores

Scope Of Work

The Opportunity:

White Castle’s Marketing Team consists of three teams that alternately head up the quick-service restaurant’s in-store marketing initiatives throughout the year. By being able to divide and conquer their complex campaigns they are able to overlap their efforts. Currently there are 10 campaign programs executed per year. They were using multiple vendors for the production and fulfillment of their point-of-purchase (POP) printing and branded promotional materials. This caused challenges in the consistency of the print materials and the accuracy of their complex kit needs. Securing priority press time was also a concern that affected their turn time.

The Solution:

White Castle has been KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group’s valued customer since 2005. It started with producing one campaign program and has evolved to producing all 10 of their POP programs. The quality of the printed materials and competitive pricing are a gimme. KDM earned their business by the processes we have put in place and by providing a dedicated account team that enables KDM to react to the volume and complexity of their programs. Knowing what to look for, attention to detail, and accuracy on the account was critical to White Castle’s marketing program success.

Here is an example of the current scope of print production per marketing program encompasses:

405 White Castle locations

80 to 300 different POP components per program

that’s 34,000 to 127,500 total POP components per program

12 regions with each getting a different set of art based on store profile such as price points
that’s 960 to 3,600 different art files per program

10 programs per year

that’s as many as 1,275,000 components per year

(oh, and the components are all different print quantities, substrate materials and printing methods)

You can see where accuracy is a major concern. The production horsepower and flexibility to get it done is key on this account. KDM has over 30 printing presses and covers 6 printing methods in-house. Just as important is the accuracy in kitting and national distribution.

The Result:

White Castle was able to simplify their in-store marketing supply chain by utilizing one vendor for consistency and accuracy. They are able to travel to one location for press checks. They trust KDM to get the right materials to the right place, on time, with 99% accuracy in the kitting. That’s an ease of doing business.

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