
KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group

Cincinnati, OH 45241

Company Info

  • Est. 1970
  • Size 250-499 Employees

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Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work


Our customer manages  procurement of  in-store Point-of-Purchase () print materials for  Entertainment (music, books, video), Electronics and Toy Departments inside Walmart’s 4000 locations in  U.S. Pulling off  print production quality guidelines, extremely tight lead times and  sheer number of weekly and monthly  kits, in addition to twice a year entire department resets, required a print vendor that had  production horsepower and flexibility to double and triple time  production across multiple presses and multiple print methods… without fail.


KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group has had an eight year relationship as their  print vendor partner. When Walmart recently underwent  implementation of a new logo with new colors, KDM went through stringent color matching approval standards across all printing methods: screen, UV offset, conventional offset, and large and small format digital to earn their business. KDM also went through similar hoops to become the sole certified Apple brand approved print vendor for Walmart. The current scope of  print production includes:

1,400 kits twice a week for 2,800 total  promotional kits: items include cart rail signs, gondola headers, power wings, and merchandise display headers with varying quantities dependent on store profile
Production lead times in as little as 3 days

Twice yearly complete department signage resets with 75  items per kit: quantities ranging from 6 to 1.

18,000 of another, printed on styrene, card stock and B-flute requiring various printing methods

Store takeover campaigns, such as the “Despicable Me” campaign

The Result:

Speed to market is critical for Walmart, as it directly affects their bottom line. The partnership, ease of doing business and trust in getting it done right and on time is critical to their success as a Walmart partner.

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