
G-Net Construction Corp.


Staten Island, NY 10304

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $10 million - $20 million

How to Prepare and Act During Floods and Storms

By: G-Net Construction Corp.
October 2023

The onset of heavy rains or hurricanes can be a source of anxiety for property owners, especially in low-lying areas prone to flooding. The key to minimizing damage and ensuring the safety of you and your loved ones lies in proper preparation and swift action when disaster strikes. At G-Net Construction Corp., we’re committed to assisting you through these challenging times, offering 24-hour emergency dispatch for flooding, pump outs, and mold restoration in all five NYC boroughs.

Here’s how you can prepare and act during floods and storms:


When natural disasters loom, your primary concern should be personal safety for you and your family. Have an emergency kit that is easily accessible and well-stocked with essential items such as non-perishable food, water, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and necessary medications. Keep a list of emergency contact numbers, including medical services and family members, in a waterproof container.

It’s also important to familiarize yourself with local emergency evacuation routes and locations of safe shelters. Stay informed by monitoring weather updates on reliable channels. If you own pets, have an emergency kit for them as well, including food, water, and identification tags.


Move Valuables Upstairs: Elevate furniture, electronics, and important documents to minimize potential water damage.

Check Drainage Systems: Ensure that gutters, downspouts, and stormwater drains are clear for smooth water flow.

Install Flood Barriers: Use sandbags or specialized flood barriers at doors and entrances.

Inspect Roof and Windows: Make sure there are no leaks or openings that could allow water to seep in.

Secure Outdoor Items: Anchor or move outdoor furniture and decorations to prevent them from becoming projectiles.


Monitor Updates: Regularly check weather updates and follow official advisories.

Stay Indoors: Stay inside a secure building, away from windows and glass doors.

Act Fast: If water starts accumulating, call for emergency pump out services.

Avoid Electrical Outlets: Stay away from electrical items and outlets that have been exposed to water.

Use Flashlights: Rely on flashlights instead of candles to minimize fire risk.


Assess the Damage: Once it’s safe, inspect your property for any water-related damage.

Document Evidence: Take photographs of damaged areas and items for insurance claims.

Seek Professional Help: Engage experts for flooding and mold restoration as soon as possible.

Inspect Utilities: Check your electrical, water, gas, and sewage lines for damage. If you find issues, call the respective services.

Clean and Sanitize: After water removal, clean and sanitize affected areas to prevent mold growth.

Being adequately prepared and informed can make a significant difference when natural disasters occur. Should you require immediate assistance in the face of such emergencies, call G-Net Construction Corp. at 718.808.8538, email us at info@GNetConstruction.com, or fill out a contact form online.

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