
G-Net Construction Corp.


Staten Island, NY 10304

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $10 million - $20 million

Commercial Maintenance Checklist for Fall of 2021

By: G-Net Construction Corp.
October 2021

Autumn brings cooler temperatures, fewer daylight hours, and harsher weather conditions to New York. These seasonal changes can impact your business if you do not prepare your building accordingly.

Now is the ideal time of year to consult a trusted contractor for building maintenance, before the cold months hit the five boroughs. G-Net Construction, an architectural and commercial construction company in New York City, explains four maintenance projects you should complete in your facility this fall.


As temperatures drop, you may feel ready to turn on the heating in your commercial building so that you, your employees, and your customers feel comfortable. Before you do, you should have your HVAC system inspected by a professional. Experts will complete the following:

Change the filters

Check for dirt

Clean your vents

Look for damage

Protect outdoor A/C units

Inspect chimneys

An inspection of your heater or furnace before you put it to use can ensure its safety and prevent major damage that could leave you with costly repairs. A professional can also determine if your HVAC system is running efficiently, which can save you even more money in the long run.


Cold temperatures can affect your plumbing as well, so you should ensure any exposed pipes are insulated, as well as any piping that is close or on exterior walls. Pipes with cold water are at risk of freezing during cold weather months. Pipes transporting hot water could lose heat from the cool surrounding air, and the insulation allows your system to reserve energy. A contractor will:

Repair leaking valves

Replace older hose bibs with non-freeze type hose bibs

This process prevents plumbing emergencies and saves you money on your energy bill. Your contractor can complete this process for you and choose the best products to insulate your specific pipes.


Daylight savings time ends in the fall, and with fewer hours of sunlight in the colder months, your employees and customers may be in your establishment when it is dark outside. This means your lighting system is more important to your workplace than ever.

Professional maintenance services can evaluate your electrical system and ensure your lighting is effective and safe for your building. You should also check the lighting around the exterior of your establishment. Well-lit outdoor spaces can deter theft or other crimes and help people feel safer on your premises.


Depending on your building size and usage, there can be other items that should be checked during the fall season to prepare for winter. An expert builder and contractor will be able to:

Winterize irrigation system and outdoor plumbing

Install snow plow curb markers

Clear roof drainage systems free of leaves and debris

Hire snow removal services

Facility Maintenance Services and More in New York

G-Net Construction offers maintenance services for commercial facilities throughout New York City. Our experts also assist with renovations, remodeling, and new construction projects. To learn how we can help with your construction job, contact our office online or reach us by phone at 718.808.8538.

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