
Batta Environmental Associates, Inc.


Newark, DE 19713

Company Info

  • Est. 1982
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Project Information

Project Location:
Baltimore, MD
Structure Type:
Arena / Stadium

Scope Of Work

In 2016, the Maryland Stadium Authority selected a small pool of qualified firms to perform Pre-Demolition Environmental Consulting Services in residential properties across the City of Baltimore. Project C.O.R.E. is a joint City-State initiative focused on eliminating the blighting influence that abandoned, derelict and dilapidated properties are having in Baltimore City. Blight elimination is expected to enhance the quality of life in the City’s neighborhoods, promote safety, and revitalize the City by demolishing structures on the blighted properties and converting the remaining open parcels into gardens, parks, other green amenities, or redevelopment opportunities, or by stabilizing structures on the Blighted Properties to prevent further deterioration and to eliminate their overall blighting influence. The project aims to address the environmental concerns in each property before demolition in order to make way for new building throughout the City of Baltimore.

This project consists of multiple task order issued by MSA. Each task order contains multiple sites, with multiple properties per site. Each property included has unique environmental concerns and must be dealt with individually. The Scope of Work for these  properties include (but are not limited to) the following services:

a)       Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and Pre-Demolition Hazardous Material Surveys, as well as detailed reports for each property. The reports were meant to:

Identify and locate asbestos, lead and other hazardous regulated materials that may be present at the project site;
Provide recommendations for disposal of asbestos, lead and other hazardous/regulated materials; and,
Identify materials that could be targeted for deconstruction/salvage/recycling.

b)      Assistance in selection of Deconstruction and Demolition Contractor

c)       Daily field oversight and monitoring of abatement and remediation services

d)      Provide certification that the abatement and remediation services have been successfully completed and for providing a Notice-to-Proceed for deconstruction and demolition activities following certification of the abatement and remediation services

e)       Conduct environmental air monitoring / sampling during the demolition and debris removal

f)       Conduct geotechnical testing and inspection services

g)      Conduct water testing and inspection

h)      Provide Certified Industrial Hygienist for Project Oversight and Review of Certifications for all firms involved


BATTA Environmental Associates, Inc is pleased to have performed these services for the Maryland Stadium Authority. We are proud to assist in projects that will help to rebuild and revitalize diminished urban areas.

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