
Duct Detectives

Orlando, FL 32819

Company Info

  • Est. 2006
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Ritz Carlton Amelia Island

Project Information

Project Location:
Fernandina Beach, FL
Structure Type:
Hotel / Motel


Ritz Carlton
General Contractor:
Coastal Mechanical Services
James Dilley
(407) 284-1550
Coastal Mechanical

Scope Of Work

We cleaned and coated the existing internally lined supply air ducts and return ducts as well as the associated ducts with Air Handle Unit 114. Our services for this project included the following:

- Ductwork Cleaning Includes: Connecting the ductwork to a HEPA filtered negative air machine to collect the debris within the air system. Once connected, we will use air washing lances and air agitation devices to dislodge any debris internally and collect it back to the negative air machine until the ductwork is visibly cleaned. (Duct Detectives Incorporated does not condone the use of chemical cleaning products in the interior surfaces of air ducts per NADCA ACR 2013 standards.)

- Air Vent Cleaning Includes: HEPA vacuum cleaning the surfaces and hand washing until thoroughly cleaned.

- Encapsulating the Ductwork Includes: Spraying the internal surfaces of the supply air and return air ductwork with an industry approved encapsulant to coat the internal surfaces from the inside. Coating the internal surfaces will only be performed once ductwork has been thoroughly cleaned.

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