
The Lane Construction Corp.


Cheshire, CT 06410

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  • Est. 1890
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Ft. Worth Alliance Airport Runway Extension Project

Project Information

Project Location:
Ft. Worth, TX
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Airport Runway


City of Ft. Worth

Scope Of Work

This project extends two existing runways and associated taxiways at the world's first 100% industrial airport designed for cargo and corporate aviation: the Ft. Worth Alliance Airport (AFW). The two existing runways (16L/34R & 16R/34L) will be extended to 11,000 feet.

AFW is located in the nation's fastest-growing industrial complex and offered an array of flight services, including air cargo, corporate, and military aviation. The expansion allows for bigger planes from huge global cargo carriers to take off and land at the airport.

This project is divided into three phases. The first phase of the project consists of demolition work, earthwork, completion of one runway, and airfield electrical infrastructure. The extension of the second runway occurs during the second phase along with additional earthwork and installation of most navigational aids. The final phase extends the taxiway and relocated an adjacent road (Eagle Parkway) and an airport perimeter road.

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