
Odebrecht Construction, Inc.


Houston, TX 77056

Company Info

  • Est. 1944
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol $1 million - $3 million

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Miami International Airport South Terminal

Project Information

Project Location:
Miami, FL
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad

Scope Of Work

The South Terminal Program was a multi-year, $843 million expansion and renovation of the Miami International Airport (MIA). It included an additional 1.55 million sq. ft. of new terminal and concourse space, additional swing gates, added curb space, additional Federal Inspection Services facilities, concession space, MIA tenant office space, domestic and international bus stations, additional aircraft parking, extensive utility expansions and a gate control tower to direct aircraft to the Concourse H and J gates. The Program was broken into four separate areas – South Terminal, Concourse J, Concourse H and the H-J Utility and Pavement. Utilizing five separate design firms.

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