Company Info

  • Est. 1986
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol $10 million - $20 million

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San Jose International Airport Security Program

Project Information

Project Location:
San Jose, CA
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jun 2004
Structure Type:
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad


San Jose International Airport Authorities
General Contractor:
Gonzales Construction
Turner Aviation Security, Turner Construction

Scope Of Work

Construct Baggage Screening and Explosive Detection Facility, including the installation of two temporary sprung structures and one enclosed watertight scaffold structure required to house current operations for the baggage screening at San Jose International Airport. Demolition and removal of three existing temporary structures totally 3,500 sq ft used for baggage screening and replace with three new permanent structures totaling 8,350 square feet. The permanent structured consisted of new concrete foundations and slabs, a structural steel infrastructure, metal framing, insulation, painting, roofing, electrical, HVAC, fire sprinklers system (design-build) and plumbing. Site improvements included new conveyor slabs, guardrails and asphalt both new and repair of existing.

This project required detailed coordination between Boeing, their client TSA and San Jose International Airport authorities. The coordination effort involved the relocation of existing operations from the existing temporary structures to the new temporary structures and then back into the newly constructed buildings. This effort was accomplished in eight phases, one of which required the construction of half of one of the new structures, having it occupied and then completing the remaining half.

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