Pepper Construction


Indianapolis, IN 46202

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  • Est. 1927
  • Size 500+ Employees
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Oak Grove School District 68 Capital Improvements Programs 2013-2015

Project Information

Project Location:
Libertyville, IL
Structure Type:
School / College / University


RuckPate Architecture

Scope Of Work

Oak Grove School District 68 is a single building K-8 district that had not undergone any significant facility improvements in nearly two decades. Since Pepper began working with the district in 2012, the school has received a complete transformation to a 21st century learning environment.

Pepper was engaged in the fall of 2012 to help the District develop and overall budget and schedule for their desired improvements. In the summer of 2013, Pepper budgeted and completed major renovations to their middle school including new science rooms, general classrooms, gym and locker rooms.

In 2014, we assisted with additional budgeting, which prompted the Board to expand the scope, accelerating work that had been planned for future years to take advantage of an aggressive bid market.

Building on two years of proven success, the board elected to move forward with the balance of the elementary school program in the summer of 2015. The phased construction project included repurposing educational spaces, labs, teacher offices, the gym and the art/music room.

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