
C B G Building Company


Arlington, VA 22203

Company Info

  • Est. 1992
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Massachusetts Court Apartments

Project Information

Project Location:
Washington, DC
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums


SKG and Associates

Scope Of Work


In order to entitle this signature property, CBG assembled 27 lots and processed a complex set of approvals. These approvals included the Commission of Fine Arts, the Historical Preservation Review Board, the Board of Zoning Adjustment, the Mayor’s Agent, and separate legislation from the Washington City Council to close an alley and provide tax abatement, positioning the project for development. Massachusetts Court set a new standard for design height and mass, while still preserving and incorporating key historic properties on the site. These approval successes created the gateway to what is now a grand residential corridor on Massachusetts Avenue. CBG constructed 372-unit luxury high-rise and rehabilitated three historic townhomes. This rehabilitation entailed the conversion of the homes into seven apartments with live/work studios. Massachusetts Court boasts a rooftop pool, running track, and fitness equipment. Residents also enjoy access to a first floor fitness center, business center, storage space, concierge service, and three levels of below grade parking.

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