
C B G Building Company


Arlington, VA 22203

Company Info

  • Est. 1992
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Columbia Heights

Project Information

Project Location:
Washington, DC
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums


Weincek and Zavos

Scope Of Work

Columbia Heights Village is a 406-unit, 31-building apartment development located on 14th Street, N.W. in the vicinity of Harvard Street and Columbia Road in Washington, DC. Clark Realty Capital and the non-profit Change All Souls Housing Corporation (CASHC) formed a unique partnership with Columbia Heights Village tenants to preserve the long-term affordability of Columbia Heights and serve as a model for the future preservation of affordable housing stock. The partnership provided for the renovation of the community and ultimate ownership by the residents and CASHC. The property is composed of three different property types: a ten-story high-rise containing 189 units, 23 garden-style apartment buildings with 210 units, and seven townhomes. Amenities include playgrounds, a community room, retail space, a day care center on the ground floor of the high-rise, and laundry rooms. 

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