Rummel Construction, Inc.

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Company Info

  • Est. 1996
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Sonoqui Wash Channelization Phase IIB Ellsworth Road to Crismon Road

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Road / Highway

Scope Of Work

Rummel constructed four consecutive phases of the Sonoqui Wash Improvements Project, that totaled seven miles, reduced potential flooding, and allowed Riggs Road to extend east. This project—the final phase—was a one-mile extension of the Sonoqui Wash Channel from Ellsworth Road to Crismon Road. There, the channel bends and ends until area developments are complete. The channel was lined with buried stone riprap protection, and has natural slopes topped with hydroseed to soften the ground for equestrian riders. Overall, the scope included grading, gabions, rock mulch, decomposed granite, lime-treated base, asphalt paving, outlet protection, RGRCP storm drainage, CLSM drop structures, concrete cutoff walls, box culverts, and a bridge. The land covered during the multi-phased improvements stretched across several jurisdictions: MCDOT, Town of Gilbert, and Town of Queen Creek.

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