
ECS Mid Atlantic LLC

Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Company Info

  • Est. 1988
  • Size 500+ Employees

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One Noma Station

Project Information

Project Location:
Washington, DC
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jan 2015
Structure Type:
Office Building


Jones Lange LaSalle

Scope Of Work

ECS visited this structure to evaluate the conditions of the exterior wall assemblies. The façade for this six-story building with penthouse, primarily consists of brick masonry, cast-in-place concrete, and metal-framed windows. Thermal imaging was used to identify anomalies in the façade that are not visible or apparent with only a visual inspection. The thermal imaging survey was started immediately after sunset to observe transient temperature conditions that would indicate the rapid loss of heat from delaminated areas of concrete.

Sample locations were based on previous observations. Mortar was taken from joints that were exhibiting a characteristic black staining that was observed around the building. Rust-stained material was scraped off the brick face and also included in the analysis. The borescope showed congested brick cavities in the two (2) areas investigated.

The black staining typically occurred above the first floor and the locations were generally located below the metalframed windows. The context of the stained areas combined with the results of the chemical analysis indicated that the staining is likely an organic type. The patches of rust colored deposits were observed sporadically around the building. This debris was identified by laboratory testing as a mixture of iron oxide and silicon dioxide.

ECS made recommendations regarding cleaning, maintenance, sealing, and timelines required for restoration activities to address the issues observed.

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