
Cintech Construction, Inc.

Cincinnati, OH 45227

Company Info

  • Est. 1984
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $20 million - $50 million

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Frederick Steel Warehouse

Project Information

Project Location:
Woodlawn, OH
Structure Type:
Storage Facility / Warehouse


Cintech Construction, Inc.
KZF Architects
Benjamin Steel

Scope Of Work

The location of Frederick Steel’s warehouse and office is another great example where site work conditions were obstacles to be overcome.

The existing site was formerly home to a chemical company from 1950 through 2005.  After a soils test was performed, evidence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered.  Additionally, the soils were soft and had to be stabilized using vibratory stone columns that densify the earth between the columns.  Over 200 vibratory stone columns at 8’ deep were installed to solidify the building pad.

Due to the VOCs existent in the earth, a vapor mitigation system (VMS) was required. The VMS consisted of several overlapping systems that cohesively minimize any chance of gases permeating the air within the facility.   The vapor mitigation system consisted of routing pvc piping at subgrade with internal radon fans to pull any gaseous vapors through the piping and release it above and away from the building.  Additionally, Stego wrap was installed beneath the entire concrete slab of the warehouse and office.

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