
Eckman Construction Co.


Bedford, NH 03110

Company Info

  • Est. 1974
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Kearsarge Regional Middle School

Project Information

Project Location:
Sutton, NH
Completed - Jan 2008
Structure Type:
Education (K-12)


Kearsarge Regional School District
Lavallee Brensinger

Scope Of Work

The Kearsarge School District chose Eckman to help them work toward a successful bond vote to build a replacement for their aging New London middle school.

Through extensive pre-construction work, our Value Engineering provided significant savings. These savings were used to add a wood-chip fired heating system to the project — a separate building was built adjacent to the school to house the boiler, which is the school’s primary source of heat.

KRMS contains a multi-use gym with a stage, locker rooms, cafeteria, and library/media center in addition to 42 classrooms and administrative spaces. The 3-color scheme throughout the building gives way to one color for each grade. Each team of classrooms are grouped around a common area with lockers, restrooms and meeting spaces.

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